* Required Information


Step One: Personal Information

* Required


Step Two: References

Disclaimer: All references must be supervisory, healthcare references. Personal references are not accepted.* It is preferred that email addresses are entered for all references. Not entering email addresses for references may significantly slow down your application process as email have proven to be a faster method of correspondence. Please incorporate email addresses with reference information if possible.

Reference One

By completing this section, I give permission to Safe Umbrella Healthcare to contact the persons listed above for the purpose of obtaining reference information. These persons are aware that Safe Umbrella Healthcare will contact them and they have my permission to discuss information regarding my current and/or previous employment.

Reference Two

Reference Three

* Required


Step Three: Documentation

Get a head start on supporting documentation: As we review your application and resume, you may be asked to provide the supporting documentation listed below. We will require these items later to complete the application process. We also recommend that you wait until you receive your offer of employment before obtaining any documentation that requires any out-of-pocket expense. Please submit .JPG, .PDF and Microsoft Word Documents only. Also, please include your full name and the document title in the file name (ex. "firstname-lastname-WHIMS.jpg")

  • Proof of Education (registration, diploma, certificate)
  • 3-5 Health Care Professional Supervisory References (name, email address, phone #)
  • CPR (current, not expired)
  • CPIC/Vulnerable Sector Check (6 months new)
  • Flu Shot (most recent season)
  • TB Test 1 (required every 2 years)
  • TB Test 2 (does not expire)
  • N95 Respiratory Mask Fit (within 2 years of the certification date)
  • 4 Step Health & Safety Awareness Certificate (Ontario only, all staff, does not expire)
  • 5 Step Health & Safety Awareness Certificate (Ontario only, registered staff only, does not expire)
  • WHMIS (requires renewal every 2 years)

Please ensure all fields are inputted and your Proof of Education/Proof of Enrollment is submitted. Only candidates who submit their POE, all three (3) references and their Resume/CV will be considered serious candidates.